Speakers - Coaches

Charles Crouch

Charles was one of the youngest participants to complete BUD’s training and become a Navy SEAL. After serving 1 enlistment he exited to become a family man. He then took a roll serving as private security for some of the wealthiest billionaires in the world. Then he opened a CrossFit Gym in the garage of his home, grew it and sold it 7 years and 7 months later. The claim to fame as a gym owner was that he never had to fire any coaches or had any leave in disdain, a rare thing to claim in a social environment like fitness. He and his wife took the family on an RV trip across America and relocated to Texas and now does business coaching with a special passion for ministry. Charles does not have a college degree but applies good character principles to all aspects of life. In each profession, Charles recognizes the potency and leverage quality character plays in the roll of building trust.

Mondoe Davis

Mondoe Davis was a professional football player in the NFL with the N.Y. Jets and is a Life Transformation Strategist. For the last 20 years, he has worked with major hospital systems, healthcare systems, the city of Arlington, the city of Ft. Worth organizations like Workforce Development, Career Source, JPS Health Network, United Healthcare, Amber Specialty Pharmacy and Churches nationwide.

As a platinum Rise Up Kings Head Coach, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Pastor, Author, and Coach he has provided coaching and consulting inclarifying vision, strategic planning, effective communication, self-care, wellness, leadership development, motivation and high performance. Mondoe’s energized and strategic approach will leave you inspired with vision and a strategic plan that gets long term sustainable results! Mondoe is married to his college sweetheart Leelee and they have 11 children.

Taylor Cole

Taylor L. Cole has a heart for helping leaders create lasting kingdom legacies through confident communication and coaches executives to show up confidently on camera and on stage. She’s spent more than 15 years leading public relations and marketing for global brands including Hotels.com, ID90 Travel, Sabre, Expedia Group, Omni Hotels, and Kimberly Clark. She’s an alumna and advisory board member for Southern Methodist University and serves on several nonprofit boards including the American Diabetes Association, and Global Heart Ministries. She earned her Accreditation in Public Relations (APR) from the Public Relations Society of America. Taylor’s the host of the global travel show, Hotel Hunt on Amazon Prime Video, and the hotel expert for the Canadian syndicated radio program and podcast, Informed Traveler. She also executive produces and hosts other shows on Amazon Prime Video including the business talk show The Focus and the public speaker showcase, Speak UP. Taylor’s most recent show Workable Faith meets leaders at the intersection of faith and business and airs on LinkedIn. Follow Taylor on LinkedIn, and connect at TVwithTLC.com and @TravelwithTLC.

Peter Christianson

Once upon a time, Pete moved across the country to San Diego to become a surfer. And that is when everything changed for him. While driving, he found God in a very spiritual experience. When he arrived in California, it was not the waves and surf boards that excited him but finding God was.

Pete has been ‘getting things done’ since being born in 1983. His background includes sales, marketing and management, building and consulting businesses.

Since 2020, Pete has been ultra MAGA and lives life in the light of the life to come.

Christopher Lucey

Christopher Lucey, a strategic visionary in the realm of transformational leadership. Christopher brings a fresh perspective to each situation through the lens of “exploration & conversation” – which he will share with us tonight.

Christopher is known for his integrated approach to mentoring Founder / CEO’s through a process of “personal discipleship and professional development” unto Christ-likeness.

He’s served as Business Advisor at Citron & Deutsch, an entrepreneurial law firm in Los Angeles, CA. In addition, he served as Managing Director of Frontier Ventures (AKA: The U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, CA). More recently, he served as the Chief Advisor & Chief Administrative Officer to JAMA Global (Jesus Awakening Movement for America) where he led the planning and design of the historic 471-acre Keith Green campus in East Texas. It now serves as a Korean ministry/mission base & future college.

Some of the other First-of-a-Kind ventures Christopher has co-founded include:

  • NextMove.net with Dr. John Baxter (focus: global diaspora peoples research)
  • TheGoFund.com with Luke Womack (focus: pay student loans to mobilize new missionary families to the remaining Unreached Unengaged People Groups).
  • P.R.I.M.E – God Inspired vision (Prayer, Research, Innovation, Media, Engagement)
  • The next-gen mission strategy to reach the most complex UUPG’s
  • SafePlace with Justin Grado (focus: tech housing & homeless platform for the County of Los Angeles – supporting nearly 300,000 bed nights so far in 2023)

Christopher has also co-authored “The Pauline Pattern of Servant-Leadership” with Dr. Frank Eiklor in 2008. This publication is used by numerous churches and ministries to train Deacons & Elders as well as equip and disciple lay leadership.

Christopher’s educational background includes:

  • BS in Organizational Leadership from Biola University
  • MBA in International Development from Hope International University.
  • At HIU he was awarded a Full Scholarship & paid Graduate Assistantship by President Dr. John Derry.
  • He also created new MBA courses for HIU and Trinity Western University, British Columbia redesigning their Entrepreneurship & Innovation curriculum.

Looking ahead, Christopher is launching The Peppertree Institute – a First-of-a-Kind Kingdom-focused, Christ-centered Think/ Do Tank – Focused on “Bridal Preparation”

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